
Where does Angel Aesthetics ship?

We ship to all 50 states and internationally.

If you are local to Denver, you can select pick up at checkout to save on shipping and pick up in office.

When will my order ship?

Processing takes 2-4 business days on average. You’ll get an email with a tracking number as soon as your order ships. Orders placed after 12pm MST on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will begin processing the following Monday.

I have questions regarding my order - what should I do? 

Please email and we will get back to you during business hours. 


What is your return policy?

Once purchased, products are non-refundable, non-returnable/exchangeable. In the circumstance of an adverse or allergic reaction to a product(s), please contact us immediately at 303-324-2114.

Can I cancel my order?

We begin processing orders shortly after they are received, so please email us atfrontdesk@skincarebyangel.comwith your order number as soon as possible. We must receive your order cancellation request prior to it being shipped in order to cancel and refund your purchase. 

Can't find your question?

We’ve got you! Email and we'll be happy to help.